Immuno-Oncology Drug Discovery and Development, from inhibitors design to preclinical evaluation
时间:2022年11月22日 09:30-11:30
November 22,2022,09:30-11:30
主办:Eurofins Discovery万怡医学
Speaker Introduction
卞金磊 Jinlei Bian中国药科大学副教授
China Pharmaceutical University Associate Professor
作为课题负责人主持国家、省级科研项目4项。近五年来以第一作者和通讯作者在学科权威杂志Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, Green Chemistry, Organic Letter, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等发表论文40余篇。已授权中国发明专利6项、欧洲专利1项。
Jinlei Bian, Ph.D. He graduated in the major of pharmaceutical engineering from China Pharmaceutical University in 2011 and then he completed his PhD thesis on medicinal chemistry in 2016 at the same university. After that, he joined the China Pharmaceutical University, where he is currently a PhD tutor and Associate Professor of medicinal chemistry at China Pharmaceutical University.
He has already published 40 articles as the first author or corresponding author in the area of medicinal chemistry including Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, Green Chemistry, Organic Letter, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry et. al., and has also applied one PCT patents and six China invention patents, since he joined China Pharmaceutical University.
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演讲信息演讲题目 Topic
1. 如何设计兼具成药性和活性的肿瘤免疫调控剂
2. Eurofins平台酶活测试平台在药物发现中的应用
3. 新型STING小分子激动剂的抗肿瘤活性研究
Medicinal Chemistry driven strategies toward novel modulators targeting Tumor Immunity-Metabolism1. How to design modulators targeting tumor immunity-metabolism2. Using the platform of Eurofins to aid the drug discovery 3.The application of STING agonists for treating cancers李俞陵Pony Lee, Ph.D.
Pharmacology Discovery Services Ltd技术总监
Pharmacology Discovery Services Ltd, Taiwan
Technical Director
Pony Lee拥有生物化学和分子生物学博士学位,在分子和动物肿瘤学研究方面有17年的研究经验。她曾在洛克菲勒大学任职,并获得美国国家促进转化科学中心(NCATS/NIH)和转化科学奖(CTSA)项目的资助,并在著名期刊发表论文。Pony于2019年加入PDS,最初担任NIH资助研究的数据分析师、医学作家和项目经理,并于2022年晋升为技术总监。
Pony Lee holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and has 17 years of research experiences in molecular and animal oncology studies. She previously held position at Rockefeller University and received grant from National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS/NIH) and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program with publications in prestigious journals. Pony joined PDS in 2019 initially as the data analyst, medical writer and project manager for NIH-sponsored studies, and was promoted to technical director in 2022.
Under Pony’s leadership, PDS is expanding the oncology services with new orthotopic and metastatic xenografts with the implement of IVIS spectrum, as well as development of humanized and patient derived mouse models for translational value. PDS also routinely co-develop and customize new murine models for Sponsor’s specific needs.
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演讲信息演讲题目 Topic
一站式体内与体外药物筛选平台应用于临床前抗癌药物的发展1. 生化方法在肿瘤靶向筛选中的应用。
2. 利用基于细胞的评估扩展细胞增殖,凋亡,迁移和血管生成。
3. 用于疗效评价的同基因和异种移植小鼠模型的实现。
4. 原位植入在不同部位转移性评估中的应用。
5. 病人源性异种移植和人源化免疫小鼠模型的研究进展。
6. 小分子、抗体和抗体-药物偶联及互补体外分析的个案研究。Enhancing oncology drug development with advance screening in preclinical studies.1. Application of biochemical approaches in oncology target-based screening.
2. Utilization of cell-based evaluations expanding cell proliferation, apoptosis, migration and angiogenesis.
3. Implementation of syngeneic and xenograft mouse models for efficacy evaluation.
4. Employment of orthotopic implantation for metastatic evaluation at different sites.
5. Advancement of patient derived xenografts and humanized immune mouse models.
6. Case study of small molecule, antibody and antibody-drug conjugate with complementary ex vivo analyses.
闫雪冬Sheron Yan
Eurofins DiscoverX 亚太区产品技术支持科学家
Eurofins DiscoverX Product Technical Support Scientist APAC
闫雪冬博士是Eurofins DiscoverX公司亚太区的技术支持。在加入Eurofins DiscoverX公司之前,她在Promega中国分公司工作了15年多。在多年的技术和产品支持工作中,对分子和细胞生物学以及生物检测产品的支持积累了丰富的经验。
Sheron Yan is the Product Technical Support Scientist responsible for Eurofins DiscoverX’s APAC region. Before joining Eurofins DiscoverX, she worked at Promega for more than 15 years, first as technical support manager and later as product support and training manager. Sheron has extensive experience in supporting cell-based assay and bioassay products.
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演讲信息演讲题目 Topic
KILR® CD16效应细胞为解决效应细胞供体变异问题提供了独特的解决方案。
KILR® Raji Bioassay 可重复性好、准确性和中间精密度高,适合对药物进行相对效价评估或表征。
案例研究:Abzena将KILR®平台成功应用于ADCC、ADCP和CDC中Accelerating Immuno-Oncology Drug Development with KILR® Cytotoxicity BioassaysKILR® platform offers MOA-based assays for a variety of cell-mediated cytotoxicity applications such as: ADCC, ADCP, CDC, T-cell Redirection and CAR-T.
KILR® CD16 Effector Cells offer a unique solution solving donor variability issue when sourcing effector cells
KILR® Raji Bioassay provides appropriate repeatability, accuracy
and intermediate precision to allow implementation for relative
potency or characterization.
Case study: KILR® platform was successfully implemented in ADCC, ADCP and CDC by Abzena.
关于EurofinsEurofins Discovery 是全球最大的早期药物研发研究技术平台,由多家領先的合同研究组织(CRO)包括知名的 Panlabs, Cerep, EMD Millipore, Villapharma, Selcia 等组成的联合体,全球团队在三大洲的八个实验室为客户提供高质量、可靠的解决方案和支持。Eurofins Discovery 具有 40 余年的药物发现和临床前药物开发经验,已经积累了超过 300 亿个可靠的数据,拥有近万个服务项目和相关产品用于候选药物的结合亲和力检测和功能确认,是目前全球最具权威性的体外药物研发服务平台并提供 Non-GLP 早期动物实验服务,以满足早期药物研发全方位的需求。
除了 3500 多种药物发现服务外,Eurofins Discovery 还通过旗下的 DiscoverX 产品品牌提供全球行业领先的小分子、大分子药物发现和质控批次放行(QC Lot Release)产品来支持客户的药物发现项目,帮助加速药物研发进度,改善全球医疗保健。DiscoverX 已开发出用于药物发现服务中的 1800 多种相同高质量和稳健的对应产品组合,包括已建立检测系统,以及以细胞株、生物酶、即用型检测试剂盒及定制化开发服务为核心的产品。Eurofins DiscoverX 已于 2022 年 4 月 1 日在上海设立办公室并启动运行,向中国市场提供高质量的产品、高效专业的科研服务与便捷的人民币支付服务。上海办公室还可以协调跨境的、完全整合的药物发现和开发服务解决方案,保障从产品生产,产品质量检测,到产品销售过程中的每一步均可为客户提供点对点的产品技术支持。
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END扫码关注我们了解更多会议资讯 合肥科生景肽生物科技有限公司成立于2018年,目前已经打造了全球领先的以肽为核心的生命分子发现、合成生产、结构优化、递送平台,主要瞄准肽发现及靶向递送,专注于为各大制药企业、生物技术公司、科研单位提供一站式的定制化研发服务。 公司独有的KPDS™平台(KS-V Peptide Discovery Services Platform)是国际领先的的多肽药物发现平台,我们致力于创新药物的高效和精准开发,以科生景肽专有KPDS技术为核心,提供一站式,定制化的多肽发现服务,以灵活的产品形式和服务模式助力广大客户各类药物发现项目的快速推进和应用探究,包括但并不限于疾病诊断及保健功能产品、多肽药物、核素偶联药物(RDC)、基于小分子的肽药物偶联物(PDC)和多功能肽偶联物等。 中文官网地址:https://www.ks-vpeptide.com.cn/ 英文官网地址:https://www.ks-vpeptide.com